The immortality of the soul is a given before I even start to assemble it like a jigsaw from the bits and pieces of reason and inquiry. Only something which is already there can search for itself. This is a truism but as such can only be known through immediate personal experience. For the reality is that truth cannot be assembled or pieced together by reason, it can only shine. And this is why the mind perceives its own being as brightness - because it recognizes its immortality as immediate personal experience.
And yet the mind cannot shine except by expending itself in the effort of inquiry. Here is the paradox of life: creative energy pulls back into plain sight that which is already there. Yes, for a certain time conditioned by birth and darkness we inhabit a space of forgetfulness - our own eternal nature disappears like stars which have set. But eventually it must rise again, and it does so by learning to understand the conditions of its existence, how for a time it is like a dark earth in space. By experiencing itself over and against those conditions it arrives back at its own eternal being.
The immortality of the soul is therefore a personal and objective reality at one and the same time. It is a question which is its own answer.
I see myself walking
from a long way off,
only finally arriving
in my words.
Yet being there
all the time
I must consider
that poetry creates me.
Ah! the little wonder
of self discovered feeding
like a ladybird
on the underside
of a leaf.
The immortality of the soul
I assemble from pieces
like a jigsaw,
from reason, inquiry,
the burning absoluteness
of wisdom outside time,
and behold! my soul stands
immortal, complete
before my eyes
as if it had never
taken leave of me.
© Landar 2012. All rights reserved
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Author: Jay Landar
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