Tuesday 17 May 2011

Orion's Friend

My dog died and I'm sad... I believe the Spirit of the dogs - who I'll call Sirius - has beautiful shining eyes, very deep, and if you look in those eyes you'll see a myriad of smaller shining eyes, which are those of all the dogs who've ever lived or will live. Some are happier than others. My own dog's eyes are there. I'm glad for her - it's the happiest place in the world for a dog to be.

I miss her so much - I still open and close doors for her, I still talk to her. I tell her not to bark too much at the postman. She has a weak heart after all. But she doesn't pay attention. She'd follow me until she drops.

I wrote this poem for her - a Shakespearean sonnet, which is a bit grand for a dog. But I explore that idea in the poem. She always sat with me when I wrote, and jumped up the minute I stopped. That was how I knew when a poem was finished. I suppose I'll just have to go on and on now...

Orion's Friend (for Hannah)

There's nothing I can see through heaven's gate
that will come running to me as you ran;
no sound or singing sphere however great
to welcome me as dog can welcome man.
And all the high emotions of my art
are small beside your faithfulness and trust;
I'd search a thousand years within my heart
for loyalty like yours - and then be dust.
But going through heaven's gate I hope to find
the archetype of dogs, Orion's friend;
and in his eyes a myriad consigned
of shining eyes he'd leave with us or lend.
So you did borrow me to give your years
a happiness which now I shower in tears.


©landar 2011. All rights reserved


  1. This is quite moving. I see my dog's eyes in there too, so I can appreciate what you're going through.

  2. I hope you'll read the poem to your dog every night. She'll be even happier then!
