Tuesday 27 September 2011

The Realm of The Miraculous

We find love in family, in our arrangements and choices for life. Then we are surprised when Love doesn't find preferment in us. It takes away a family member inexplicably; it casts asunder all our arrangements and plans and throws us out into a cold world unprepared. How is this possible? Life isn't meant to be like that - it's meant to be secure, protected, healthy. Part of the answer to this is that the security we think is secure is actually an empty idol. We bury the gold of Love in family, occupation, lifestyle, country and then worship it as a thing in itself. Politicians particularly trade on this. Love itself stands apart and chooses - or inflicts - what creates and sustains life, not what preserves and hardens it. Thus the inexplicable comes in and takes a loved one away or, apparently, takes love itself away.

Nothing will ever explain why this happens except the process of life itself. Suffice it to say that life wants you to turn towards Love itself and see it as something quite independent of all the things and institutions in which you have enshrined love. You can choose to see Love as the ultimate Being in this way. If you choose to love family, country, way of life more than the Being of Love then you will never see that the inexplicable events of life are actually tinged with the miraculous. There is always new life, there is always new creation - that is the principle lying behind the twists and turns of life which we can't explain. The process of life itself will eventually reveal where the miracles lie hidden.

This realm of the miraculous is the real gold, the real treasure of existence - not the outward forms in which we try too hard to crystallize love. The mere preservation of forms, families, and institutions will always result in social fracture and warfare. The inner current of the miraculous will allow for new life and creation. This is the reason for loving the Being of Love before anything else.


©landar 2011. All rights reserved

Picture: The Miracle of The Roses by Valerio Castello

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